As a result of the comments in my answer on this thread, I wanted to know what the speed difference is between the +=
operator and ''.join()
So what is the speed comparison between the two?
As a result of the comments in my answer on this thread, I wanted to know what the speed difference is between the +=
operator and ''.join()
So what is the speed comparison between the two?
This is what silly programs are designed to test :)
Use plus
Output of:
Now with join....
Output Of:
So on python 2.6 on windows, I would say + is about 18 times faster than join :)
I rewrote the last answer, could jou please share your opinion on the way i tested?
NOTE: This example is written in Python 3.5, where range() acts like the former xrange()
The output i got:
Personally i prefer ''.join([]) over the 'Plusser way' because it's cleaner and more readable.
From: Efficient String Concatenation
Method 1:
Method 4:
Now I realise they are not strictly representative, and the 4th method appends to a list before iterating through and joining each item, but it's a fair indication.
String join is significantly faster then concatenation.
Why? Strings are immutable and can't be changed in place. To alter one, a new representation needs to be created (a concatenation of the two).
My original code was wrong, it appears that
concatenation is usually faster (especially with newer versions of Python on newer hardware)The times are as follows:
Python 3.3 on Windows 7, Core i7
Python 2.7 on Windows 7, Core i7
On Linux Mint, Python 2.7, some slower processor
And here is the code:
The existing answers are very well-written and researched, but here's another answer for the Python 3.6 era, since now we have literal string interpolation (AKA,
-strings):Test performed using CPython 3.6.5 on a 2012 Retina MacBook Pro with an Intel Core i7 at 2.3 GHz.
This is by no means any formal benchmark, but it looks like using
-strings is roughly as performant as using+=
concatenation; any improved metrics or suggestions are, of course, welcome.