I am using angular ui router version 1.0.0-alpha.4 and since by default root scope events are inactive I thought of using new way of implementing auth mechanism as follows.
.run(['$transitions', '$timeout', '$q', '$state', 'AuthService', ($transitions, $timeout, $q, $state, AuthService) => {
$transitions.onBefore({ to: 'app.*', from: '*' }, () => {
const deferred = $q.defer();
AuthService.isLoggedIn().then(() => {
}, () => {
// redirect to error page
// how can i redirect user to error page. $state.go('error') not working.
return deferred.promise;
}, {priority: 10});
However issue is that I am not sure how to redirect user to error page. I try to use $state.go('error') and seems does not working. Any suggestions?
Cool I found the solution. Posting this to anyone who may come up with the same issue. All you need is resolve the promise as follows.
It could be even more simple because auth services also working with promise.
Just return the service and don't create another promise.
If you just interested in the negative case return the state in the catch phase.
To redirect the transition from a TransitionHook function you can return a TargetState or a promise that resolves a TargetState.
From the Ui-Router Docs