Is it possible, to pull private images from Docker Hub to a Google Cloud Kubernetes cluster? Is this recommended, or do I need to push my private images also to Google Cloud?
I read the documentation, but I found nothing that could explain me this clearly. It seems that it is possible, but I don´t know if it's recommended.
There is no restriction to use any registry you want. If you just use the image name, (e.g., image: nginx) in pod specification, the image will be pulled from public docker hub registry with tag assumed as :latest
As mentioned in the Kubernetes documentation:
Use cases:
Consider reading the Pull an Image from a Private Registry document if you decide to use a private registry.
There are 3 types of registries:
As you are well saying, in a public registry, such as Docker Hub, you can have private images.
Private and Restricted registries are more secure obviously, as one of them is not even exposed to internet (ideally), and the other one needs credentials.
I guess you can achieve an acceptable security level with any of them. So, it is matter of choice. If you feel your application is critical, and you don't want to run any risk, you should have it in GCR, or in a private registry.
If you feel like it is important, but not critical, you could have it in any public repository, making it private. This will give a layer of security.