I have got a UIDatePicker in one of my ViewControllers. As you can see, the background is dark.
What i already managed to change is the text color to white. What i just can't change is the color of the two lines above and below the selected date. It always remains default dark grey. Does anyone have a code snipped to achieve coloring these lines?
To start with, Apple docs says, about
Date Pickers
, "You cannot customize the appearance of date pickers."That being said, the following code does exactly what you need. I understand it's not the most elegant piece of code, but here it is
UIDatePicker has a subview, UIDatePickerView, which has 3 subviews, 2 of the latter of which are the two lines that indicate the selection row.
I had to change height constraint for datePicker and cus of this @kex code didn't worked for me. so I modified it: (works for me on swift 5 and iOS 12)
huniser_suraj answer is correct, just use additional check for future changes, this is how I use it, for UIPickerView & UIDatePicker, respectively:
From iOS 10 on, this doesn't work anymore, as mentioned in some of the comments, i.e. finding the subviews & getting to them works, but setting the background color doesn't work anymore. I did another dirty solution for this, I'm setting a border with a border color which works.
It can be done in a pretty simple way with IB. Just put 2 UiView with height=1, equal width as UIDatePicker. Then center it with UIDatePicker vertically and horizontally. For upper line, set vertical offset to 18, and the other one set to -18. Done!
Yes, this is an unsafe method. But as an option, why not.
More safer solution: