How to write a Windows batch script to send a mail? Give an example
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I would suggest downloading and installing a command line emailing program. The best freeware one that I can see is:
From there, save the downloaded .exe to a good location on your HDD (possibly in c:/program files/bmail) and add that directory to your PATH ( see for instructions ).
From then, you could setup a small batch script such as this:
Then to send an email to that email address, just run the batch file.
If you want, you could change it to accept parameters so you can customise the message: .
Important: I'm pretty sure bmail won't work if the SMTP server requires authentication, so you'll need to find one you can use. Maybe set one up on the server without a username and password, and that can only be accessed from localhost?
You will need to use a third party tool such as blat ( Then in your batch file, you would have a line like the following:
blat -to -f -subject "Email Subject" -body "Email body" -server mysmtphost
You can enable the installed SMTP Server of Windows. And then run a power shell script: