I was following the following tutorial on continuous integration using gitlab and Kubernetes (in my case on google cloud): https://about.gitlab.com/2016/12/14/continuous-delivery-of-a-spring-boot-application-with-gitlab-ci-and-kubernetes/.
At some point in the tutorial you will have to first delete and then create a secret for the image registry of Gitlab:
- kubectl delete secret registry.gitlab.com
- kubectl create secret docker-registry registry.gitlab.com --docker-server=https://registry.gitlab.com --docker-username=$REGISTRY_USERNAME --docker-password=$REGISTRY_PASSWD --docker-email=$EMAIL
Things go wrong in this step, I get the following error:
Error from server (Forbidden): secrets "registry.gitlab.com" is forbidden: User "client" cannot delete secrets in the namespace "default": Unknown user "client"
Error from server (Forbidden): secrets is forbidden: User "client" cannot create secrets in the namespace "default": Unknown user "client"
I get the same exact error in the Google cloud shell:
Adding the following line does not really help, I still get the creation error (I am also 100% sure that the deletion also 'crashes' but the '2>/dev/null' just makes it move to the creation step):
kubectl delete secret registry.gitlab.com 2>/dev/null || echo "secret does not exist"
What am I doing wrong? Thx in advance!
gcloud config unset container/use_client_certificate
After this logout and login. It should work. This happens when you disable Legacy Authorisation in the cluster settings, because the client certificate that you are using is a legacy authentication method