In my search I found that, the Android SDK provides no support for controlling HDMI port activities and handling HDMI output, as of now. Though certain device manufacturers like Motorola (don't know if any other does that too) provide API's for a little better control. Below are the links to two of them, out of which the dual screen one (which suits my requirement pretty close) is deprecated.
Mirroring is the default behavior on connecting HDMI but, I want my app to run a binded service on HDMI out. This will allow the phone to perform any other tasks simultaneously, w/o disturbing my service running on the HDMI screen.
Can someone please suggest how can I go about it? Or if any other manufacturer provides similar flexibility as Motorola?
Create a Service class like so.
Start the service, perhaps in your Application class.
You will probably need more complex display add/remove logic based on
requires no permissions but seems like a hack.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT
might be more reasonable, but requieresin your AndroidManifest.