On my web page i have some links like :
<div id="toolbarButtons">
<a href="actualites/addLink" id="liens" rel="lien" title="Insérer un lien" class="toolbarButton"><span><img src="pub/struct/picto/icon_toolbar-link.gif" alt="Liens" />Lien</span></a>
<a href="actualites/addImage" rel="image" title="Insérer une image" id="img" class="toolbarButton"><span><img src="pub/struct/picto/icon_toolbar-img.gif" alt="Liens" /> Image(s)</span></a>
<div id="dialogbox"></div>
First of all i init my dialogbox by calling :
initDialog : function() {
then i attach the the dialog on click event :
dialogManager : function(elem) {
var title = elem.attr('title');
var href = elem.attr('href');
var rel = elem.attr('rel');
if(rel == 'lien')
'Add' : function(){
'Cancel' : function(){
As you can see , the content of the dialog box is fetched with ajax. The dialog contain some input. I have a last function which is supposed to edit the content of the input but i don't know how and where to call it. It need to be called after the opening of the dialog to be efficient. How can i do that ?
doing it juste after
won't work because of the asynchronous loading (called before the dialog is fully loaded).
Thanks for your help.
Can you do something like this?
That function will be called when the load is completed.
You could do something when the dialog is opened.