Recommendations mentioned in How to hide one specific cell (input or output) in IPython Notebook? don't work.
On Windows I do the following
jupyter nbconvert a.ipynb --TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_cell_tags="{'remove_cell'}"
but get an error
traitlets.traitlets.TraitError: The 'remove_cell_tags' trait of a TagRemovePreprocessor instance must be a set, but a value of type 'unicode' (i.e. u"{'remove_cell'}") was specified.
I also tried '{"remove_cell"}'
I am using nbconvert 5.4.0
Any ideas how to do this?
Needs some extra quoting to work:
.However beware of an ongoing issue with noteboot to notebook conversion - it seems like in this case preprocessors, including tag removal, do not run. See more in this SO question:
jupyter nbconvert --to notebook not excluding raw cells
Update: Not tested on windows, just on Linux
You need to enable the TagRemovePreprocessor before you call it.
The code below shows how to enable it and how to enclose your tags as a list so you can exclude more than one tag if you wish. To exclude a single tag, just put one element in the list eg ['remove_cell'].
The parameter --to html is not required if you are converting to html (as html is the default). If you want to convert to python, for example, change --to html to --to python
jupyter nbconvert a.ipynb --TagRemovePreprocessor.enabled=True --TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_cell_tags="['remove_cell', 'other_tag_to_remove']" --to html
Note that the TagRemovePreprocessor is only available in nbconvert 5.3 and above: