I am having hard time working with Laravel 4 Auth::attempt method , followed the right documentation, read couple of SO threads but still i am not able to get it working.
$userData = array('email' => 'admin@admin.com','password' => 'admin');
// redirect
echo 'Invalid';
And it returns Invalid everytime
Now i am not sure what is the actual reason.
In my config/auth.php i have following
return array(
| Default Authentication Driver
| This option controls the authentication driver that will be utilized.
| This drivers manages the retrieval and authentication of the users
| attempting to get access to protected areas of your application.
| Supported: "database", "eloquent"
'driver' => 'eloquent',
| Authentication Model
| When using the "Eloquent" authentication driver, we need to know which
| Eloquent model should be used to retrieve your users. Of course, it
| is often just the "User" model but you may use whatever you like.
'model' => 'User',
| Authentication Table
| When using the "Database" authentication driver, we need to know which
| table should be used to retrieve your users. We have chosen a basic
| default value but you may easily change it to any table you like.
'table' => 'users',
| Password Reminder Settings
| Here you may set the settings for password reminders, including a view
| that should be used as your password reminder e-mail. You will also
| be able to set the name of the table that holds the reset tokens.
'reminder' => array(
'email' => 'emails.auth.reminder', 'table' => 'password_reminders',
Note that you User table , the password field is Hashed, cause of Auth::attempt($credentials); $credentials->password evaluate the hashed password
The Auth class requires a column called id as your primary key in your users table.
Could you show code for your model? These are some things that should be in the User model in order for Auth to work.
@eric-evans is correct. To use authentication in laravel 4, you must make your "user" model uses the \Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface interface, and implements the methods
Check does your password is hashed. It should not be normal text..
I was having some trouble with this as well. What I noticed is that in my User model I had:
In the database I had the deleted_at column, but it defaulted with a zeroed out timestamp - 0000-00-00 00:00:00. This was causing the record to not be found and in turn causing the authentication to fail.
I had to fix the migration to have the deleted_at column properly created like so:
Here are the docs on soft delete: http://laravel.com/docs/eloquent#soft-deleting