A good example of this is either on the Twitter launch screen (the screen with the large icons that is seen when the application is first launch) or even just look at the application tray when you focus an application icon.
Basically I need to highlight an ImageView where the highlight contours to the image within the ImageView and looks like it's a border to that image. I would also like to customize the highlight to have it be a certain color and for it to fade out.
This is an extension of mklimek. I couldn't make it work properly from his snippet. I edited a bit
My solution, custom attribute for ImageView :
Step 1 : declare-styleable
Step 2 : custom ImageView
Step 3 : declare myattr : xmlns:myattr="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto" in layout xml
Step 4 : set myattr:hover_res for MyImageView