How do I configure swashbuckle
to work with Aspnet API
In my Startup.cs
I have the following code to initialize attribute based routing, api versioning, and swagger.
var constraintResolver = new DefaultInlineConstraintResolver()
ConstraintMap =
["apiVersion"] = typeof( ApiVersionRouteConstraint )
config.EnableSwagger(c =>
(apiDesc, targetApiVersion) => ResolveVersionSupportByRouteConstraint(apiDesc, targetApiVersion),
(vc) =>
vc.Version("v1", "Swashbuckle Dummy API V1");
vc.Version("v2", "Swashbuckle Dummy API V2");
public static bool ResolveVersionSupportByRouteConstraint(ApiDescription apiDesc, string targetApiVersion)
var versionConstraint = (apiDesc.Route.Constraints.ContainsKey("apiVersion"))
? apiDesc.Route.Constraints["apiVersion"] as RegexRouteConstraint
: null;
return (versionConstraint == null)
? false
: versionConstraint.Pattern.Split('|').Contains(targetApiVersion);
When the ResolveVersionSupportByRouteConstraintmethod fires the route template includes the literal api string "api/v{version}/users" My users controller is decorated with [ApiVersion("1.0")] and I have the following route defined [Route("api/v{version:apiVersion}/users")]. When I hit api/v1/users with postman the call works, but i cannot figure out how to get this working with Swashbuckle/Swagger.
I want my swagger documentation to look like the example for the core api boilerplate, except I am using Owin with the owin startup class instead of .net core:
You can find examples here This is how I done this in startup of self hosted owin app:
Configuration of swagger is very simple, main part here VersionedApiExplorer(ensure, that you passed right groupnameformat of your api, my format was v1, v2, etc):
In controller add attributes ApiVersion and RoutePrefix
If you confused about VersionFilter and VersionOperationFilter there is code for that. This filters modifies resulting routes and parameters in swagger(without that your route will look like /v{version}/{actionName} and contain required parameter version)
I think the ResolveVersionSupportByRouteConstraint method might be wrong, see: