I have a Bootstrap popover that I want to attach to an element that has a conditional render; therefore, I must trigger $().popover() after the element has been attached to the DOM.
Is there a way to trigger a callback after a v-if statement inserts the elements into the DOM?
The right way to do this, is making it a directive, so you can hook into the life cycle of a DOM element.
Using nextTick is not the right way to do it for a few reasons, it can break if the DOM reacts and re render a part of your view. You are not destroying tooltips after initialisation. This can break because nextTick is async, and something in between render and nextTick can change your DOM state.
Vue.nextTick() defers the execution of the callback to be executed after the next update of the DOM, see: VueJS API reference
Use this in vuejs 2:
take a look here