I have two queries, the first one gives me an array of ids, that is in a specific order. Then that array of ids I pass it to the second query like so:
Operation::whereIn('id', $ids)->get();
But when I output the result of that query, the order has changed, if the array $ids was something like (4,2,6,9) which is the order I wanted the results to be in, the output will give me 2,4,6,9. How can I avoid that?
MySQL way of sorting with order same as in
where in
clause:If you have the sorting order in 4,2,6,9, you can fetch these rows, then use php to sort.
You can do
It's a problem where MySql doesn't return the result in the order you specify them, so you need to reorder them after that.
A similar solution can be found here: avoid Sorting by the MYSQL IN Keyword