i'm using JPA 2.1 (Hibernate 4 as impl) and Spring Data JPA 1.9.0. How do i implement full text search?
My scenario is as follows. I have a User
entity and on the UI a have a table which display's most of users properties and i want the user to give text box enter there a search term and search in all properties.
I see 2 options to do this:
- Load all users users from DB and filter them in Java
- Write a JPQL query with many
andLIKE % :searchString %
Option 1 is not good for performance but quite nice to write.
Option 2 is performant beacuse executed on DB side but cumbersome to write.
Right now im suing option 1 because i need to translate boolean to "yes"/"no"
and also have a profile enum where i want to search by it's field description and not by actual enum value.
In the User entity i have a method which returns all fields i want to be searched seperated by spaces:
public String getSearchString(){
return StringUtils.join(
active ? "yes" : "no",
, " ");
The in a service i load all users from DB and filter by this search string:
public List<User> getUsers(final String searchText) {
final List<User> users = getUsers();
return users;
CollectionUtils.filter(users, new Predicate<User>() {
public boolean evaluate(User object) {
return StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(object.getSearchString(), searchText);
return users;
On the other side in JPQL i end up with queries like this, which i dont think is the nice'est and easiest way to implement this functionality. Also there is a problem with translatin boolean to "yes" and "no".
@Query("SELECT r FROM User r WHERE "
+ "r.firstname LIKE '%' || :searchString || '%' "
+ "OR r.lastname LIKE '%' || :searchString || '%' "
+ "OR r.login LIKE '%' || :searchString || '%' "
+ "OR r.profile.description LIKE '%' || :searchString || '%' "
+ "OR r.active LIKE '%' || :searchString || '%' "
+ "OR r.email LIKE '%' || :searchString || '%'")
List<User> selectUsers(@Param("searchString")String searchString, Pageable page);
Is there a better solution to this problem?
Well, for the most cases, option 1 is not a really an alternative. If your application grow up of registers the memory and performance problems will hit you after some time. I guarantee you.
I cannot see a problem in the option 2. Is not performant but it's simple to understand.
If performance on database is a problem, you can create a native query to call the native function of your database to do a full text search. Will not be a JPQL query, but for this kind of query you are trying to do this solution can be used.
Solved this by saving the search string on every persist and update to the DB. First created a column for the searchString:
Storage is cheap, overhead on DB is not that big.
Then the saving on update and persist:
Then i can have a normal JPQL query with
:Or using Query By Example: