I would like to achieve the material design card behavior on tap. When I tap it, it should expand fullscreen and reveal additional content/new page. How do I achieve it?
I tried with Navigator.of(context).push() to reveal new page and play with Hero animations to move the card background to new Scaffold, however it seems it is not the way to go since new page is not revealing from the card itself, or I cannot make it to. I am trying to achieve the same behavior as in the material.io that I presented above. Would you please guide me somehow?
Thank you
A while ago I tried replicating that exact page/transition and while I didn't get it to look perfectly like it, I did get fairly close. Keep in mind that this was put together quickly and doesn't really follow best practices or anything.
The important part is the Hero widgets, and especially the tags that go along with them - if they don't match, it won't do it.
EDIT: in response to a comment, I'm going to write an explanation of how Hero works (or at least how I think it works =D).
Basically, when a transition between pages is started, the underlying mechanism that performs the transition (part of the Navigator more or less) looks for any 'hero' widgets in the current page and the new page. If a hero is found, its size and position is calculated for each of the pages.
As the transition between the pages is performed, the hero from the new page is moved to an overlay in the same place as the old hero, and then its size and position is animated towards its final size and position in the new page. (Note that you can change if you want with a bit of work - see this blog for more information about that).
This is what the OP was trying to achieve:
The easiest way to do this is to simply put the scaffold itself in the hero. Anything else will obscure the AppBar during the transition, as while it's doing the hero transition it is in an overlay. See the code below. Note that I've added in a class to make the transition happen slower so you can see what's going on, so to see it at normal speed change the part where it pushes a SlowMaterialPageRoute back to a MaterialPageRoute.
However, there are situations in which it might not be optimal to have the entire scaffold doing the transition - maybe it has a lot of data, or is designed to fit in a specific amount of space. In that case, an option to make a version of whatever you want to do the hero transition that is essentially a 'fake' - i.e. have a stack with two layers, one which is the hero and has a background colour, scaffold, and whatever else you want to show up during the transition, and another layer on top which completely obscures the bottom layer (i.e. has a background with 100% opacity) that also has an app bar and whatever else you want.
There are probably better ways of doing it than that - for example, you could specify the hero separately using the method mentioned in the blog I linked to.