The storyboard has a tableview with one prototype cell, the UITableView has a prototype cell and it has been configured to be the custom UITableViewCell sublclass.
The prototype cell is hooked up to the custom sublcass correctly, the IBOutlets are configured correctly, but for some reason when I get the cell it ends up all my custom subviews are nil.
I've also configured it so that the customIdentifiers are the same.
So the problem that I was facing was a weird oversight, when you identify a reuseIdentifier in the storyboard, you don't have to call
on the TableView. If you do, this will actually BREAK the functionality it's intended to do.
When messing with custom UITableViewCells, just set up the reuseIdentifiers to be in common and that will do the registerClass behind the scenes for you I believe. If you do it yourself, it won't work.
I imported the Custom Cell class and implement my codes in cellForRowAtIndexPath method like below: