I need to list all sbt dependencies in order to check if already exists a debian package (I also notice that there is a DEB package but it seems that external dependencies are not packaged).
At the moment I did a list of sbt dependencies with the following steps:
I created a simple script that extract all jar files in ~/.ivi2 directory (excluding sbt jar). Here the result of the execution:
Group;Artifact;Artifact+Version org.scala-lang;jline;jline-2.10.5 org.scala-lang;scala-compiler;scala-compiler-2.10.5 org.scala-lang;scala-library;scala-library-2.10.5 org.scala-lang;scala-reflect;scala-reflect-2.10.5 com.jcraft;jsch;jsch-0.1.46 org.scalamacros;quasiquotes_2.10;quasiquotes_2.10-2.0.1 jline;jline;jline-2.11 com.thoughtworks.paranamer;paranamer;paranamer-2.6 org.json4s;json4s-ast_2.10;json4s-ast_2.10-3.2.10 org.json4s;json4s-core_2.10;json4s-core_2.10-3.2.10 org.scala-lang.modules;scala-pickling_2.10;scala-pickling_2.10-0.10.0 org.scala-tools.sbinary;sbinary_2.10;sbinary_2.10-0.4.2 org.fusesource.jansi;jansi;jansi-1.4 org.spire-math;json4s-support_2.10;json4s-support_2.10-0.6.0 org.spire-math;jawn-parser_2.10;jawn-parser_2.10-0.6.0
Do you think is the right way to list all sbt dependencies?
There is a nice
sbt plugin
for that: https://github.com/jrudolph/sbt-dependency-graphSimply adding to
sbt dependencyTree
you can get an "ascii graph" like:In case the dependency hierarchy provided by
is not needed, the following might be useful: