I am using AWS Cognito in my application.
While doing logout i am calling the Logout Endpoint.
But after doing logout, I am still able to generate the id-tokens using the old refresh token.
It means my logout endpoint is not working any more. I am saving the tokens in my local storage, And while doing the logout i am clearing the store manually.
My Question is: How to properly use the logout mechanism of AWS Cognito?
I'm not sure which framework you are using, but I'm using Angular. Unfortunately there are different ways of using AWS Cognito and the documentation is not clear. Here is my implementation of the Authentication Service (using Angular):
- Note 1 - With using this sign in method - once you redirect the user to the logout url - the localhost refreshes automatically and the token gets deleted.
- Note 2 - You can also do it manually by calling: this.userPool.getCurrentUser().signOut()