Im using log4j2 with following dependencies:
<!-- LOG4J2 -->
Log4j2.xml content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="OFF">
<Console name="CONSOLE" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
<PatternLayout pattern="%d %-5p [%t] %C{2} (%F:%L) - %m%n" />
<!-- Generate rolling log for router with per hour interval policy -->
<RollingFile name="ProcessorRollingFile" fileName="D:/ocsprocessor.log"
<pattern>%d{ISO8601} [%t] %p %c %L - %m%n</pattern>
<TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy interval="1" />
<DefaultRolloverStrategy max="24" />
<!-- Register Async appender -->
<Async name="AsyncRollingFile">
<AppenderRef ref="ProcessorRollingFile" />
<AsyncLogger name="com.tritronik.logger.log4j2" level="error"
<AppenderRef ref="AsyncRollingFile" />
Turn out that everything went fine except the log doesn't show Line number of throwed logger (the %L in pattern).
I googled and found out that for async logger and rolling file appender, there is no one mentioned using %L, so how can i achieved it then? Or is it doesn't support %L?
Edit: I have tried added includeLocation="true", but still same results
2014-05-23 11:42:40,368 [threadPoolTaskExecutor-5] ERROR (AsyncLogger:) - THIS IS TEST MESSAGE FOR LOGGING TEST PURPOSE
First, remove the Async appender, and point the appender-ref of the AsyncLogger to the ProcessorLoggingFile directly. Second, you must add includeLocation="true" on the AsyncLogger.
Having an async appender in addition to an async logger does not help and in this case might be what prevents the includeLocation from working correctly.