I used the following syntax in order to find IP address under /etc
(answered by Dennis Williamson in superuser site)
but I get the message "grep: line too long".
Someone have idea how to ignore this message and why I get this?
grep -Er '\<([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\>' /etc/
grep: line too long
Use find to build a list of files to grep,
In general find is a more flexible way of traversing the filesystem and building lists of files for other programs.
Perhaps your grep has a bug and scans by accident a binary file with too long lines (i.e. too much characters for grep to handle between two newlines). See this red hat page for more details (bug page).
The find/xargs solution didn't work for me, but resulted in the same error.
I solved this problem by using the
grep option (ignore binary files). In my case there must have been a binary file in the list of files to search that had no linebreaks, so grep tries to read in a gigantic line that is too big. That's my guess at what this error means.I got the idea from: http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/am8x7wI0r0243prrmYd4
This might not work for you of course if there's a text file with a line that is too long.