I am receiving an error message when I try to use Xcode 8's Convert Wizard. After trying rebooting, downloading fresh code, and deleting my DerivedData files I cannot escape this error:
Convert to Current Swift Syntax Failed: Could not find test host
I have tried both options which are: Swift 2.3 and Swift 3. After I select a version I instantly get that error.
Here is a screenshot of the error:
It cost me a bit of time to find the "Host Application" pulldown mentioned in the otherwise very helpful answer by iluvcapra.
So this is what he meant:
This is where you find the pulldown menu. Select your main target.
+1 iluvcapra
Alternatively, use text editor to remove the following two items from your MyAppSwift.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj file, search for TEST_HOST
Now, re-open your project and run the convert wizard again.
In my case I deleted my tests target, then re-added it using the + below targets and selecting "iOs Unit Testing Bundle"
For some reason this got a compile error, so I changed the "Per-configuration Intermediate Build Files Path: for my test target to $(PROJECT_TEMP_DIR)/$(CONFIGURATION) for both debug and release. This allowed the compile to work.
Please try these Steps:
Trying these steps worked for me.
I find easy fix for this, just edit your Scheme and disable tests.
And run conversion again.
Fix this in 3 steps: