Does anyone know how to clear out the Kerberos ticket cache on the local computer - using managed \ unmanaegd code?
Thanks in advance!
Does anyone know how to clear out the Kerberos ticket cache on the local computer - using managed \ unmanaegd code?
Thanks in advance!
The simple, stupid way:
Or if you want to be more legit, just check out the source of a
seems to be the relevant function call.There is a "managed C#" example of purging kerberos tickets using pInvoke at
Way too long to copy/paste here. It took some time since structures in pInvoke were invalid(eg someone though C++ LONG is equal to C# LONG and yada-yada), however, I've tested this one, and it worked for me.
Also, I noticed that the Windows server 2003 klist.c has few bugs in PurgeTicket:
The most simple way is to take the source code of Microsoft's KList (Included in the platform SDK\ Samples), and to do like them...
I believe you need to do a call to LsaCallAuthenticationPackage using KERB_PURGE_TKT_CACHE_REQUEST after using either LsaConnectUntrusted or LsaRegisterLogonProcess. Sorry no specifics, but I don't have my code for this around...