-- Creating Table
Create Table Test1
id Varchar(8000)
-- Inserting a record
Insert into Test1 Values ('我們的鋁製車架採用最新的合金材料所製成,不但外型輕巧、而且品質優良。為了達到強化效果,骨架另外經過焊接和高溫處理。創新的設計絕對能充分提升踏乘舒適感和單車性能。');
As I have defined data type of id as Varchar. The data is stored as ?????.
Do I have to use NVARCHAR..? What is Difference between VarChar and Nvarchar(). Please explain about UNIcode as well.
Varchar uses Windows-1252 character encoding, which is for all practical purposes standard ASCII.
As others have noted, nvarchar allows the storage of unicode characters.
You can get the ASCII translations from either data type, as shown here:
Nvarchar supports UNICODE. SO yes. you need to have the column as nvarchar and not varchar.
Despite the collation of your database. Use
to store UNICODE. Embbed your Unicode value inN'[value]'
Important is the N prefix!
Valid for MS SQL 2014 I am using. Hope this helps.
The column type nvarchar allows you to store Unicode characters, which basically means almost any character from almost any language (including modern languages and some obsolete languages), and a good number of symbols too.
also it is required to prefix N before your value. example Insert into Test1 Values (N'我們的鋁製車架採用最新的合金材料所製成,不但外型輕巧、而且品質優良。為了達到強化效果,骨架另外經過焊接和高溫處理。創新的設計絕對能充分提升踏乘舒適感和單車性能。'); or programatically use preparedstatement with bind values for inserting and updating natural characterset
Yes you have to use nvarchar or use a collation for the language set you want. But nvarchar is preferred. Goodgle can tell you what this stuff means.