In showing a colleague how to use SVN yesterday, we created a test folder and file within our existing Visual Studio Solution. We'll call it "Test" folder with two files, "Test.ascx" and "Test.ascx.cs". We added it (or Visual SVN added it, 'cos it's awesome), and committed it. We also added and committed other files elsewhere in the project.
We can see it in the repository (and the other files).
Doing an update on my own machine to pull down these new files resulted in the other files being pulled down correctly, BUT the Test folder does not appear. No matter how many times I try Updating from various points in VS and in TortoiseSVN (urgh) Repo browser, it can't see that there are any changes to pull down.
Where am I going wrong?
This is a known problem.
You can use
$ svn update --depth=infinity
to force the update. With TortoiseSVN, use the "Update to revision" command in the Submenu, then change the depth combobox to "fully recursive".
I've had ghost errors like this before and found the easiest work around is to delete the parent folder and update it's parent:
Delete Project, then Update Project Root
I don't know, svn is always telling me to clean, did you try that?
It's not an answer, I know, but I have tried all the solutions you guys have kindly suggested and I just end up with conflicts, crashed TortoiseSVN and built up Karma. Therefore, a trusty edit in the .svn/entries file sorted it.
I have until now been a single developer using SVN just to manage my source code. Other people don't have problems, and I just check in stuff. I use Visual SVN as a layer to frig SVN for .NET (which it isn't great with) and I seem to constantly run into issues. I am performing very simple operations, not even branching/tagging. Simple simple simple. And yet I have issues with it?
So you can or cannot see it in the repository browser?
Did you commit and update the parent folder of your Test folder?