I'm using WorkRave rest reminder and want to turn off my screen when the rest window appears. I know how to turn it off.
How create an event when specified window (#IfWinActive ahk_class ...) appears?
Also, can i bind % symbol? {%} doesn't work, instead of other ones.
You can try this, but since I don't use WorkRave, I can't test it.
To have an instant notification of a window appearing, use a Shell Hook. This is sometimes so fast that autohotkey can react before you even see the window yourself.
A shell hook is demonstrated on the AutoHotkey Forum.
An example with your usage (almost copied verbatim from the forum post):
If you want to use a literal % symbol in a command, escape it with AutoHotkey's escape character, the backtick ` (on the same key as ~ on a US keyboard) like so: