Trying to write script to download file from Amazon S3 bucket.
Having trouble with the example on the cURL site. The script below produces:
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.
Appreciate any help.
dateValue="`date +'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z'`"
signature=`/bin/echo -en "$stringToSign" | openssl sha1 -hmac ${s3Secret} - binary | base64`
curl -v -H "" \
-H "Date:${dateValue}" \
-H "Content-Type:${contentType}" \
-H "Authorization: AWS ${s3Key}:${signature}" \
Here's a fully outlined easy-to-follow AWS signature creator and GET request tester. You can find the original file here.
I write this bash script to download file from s3 (I download compressed file, you can change contentType to download other types of file)
As of August 2019 I found this to work. Has added region, and format of URL has changed.
Avoid signing the request yourself, a lot can go wrong or be hard to do. For example, you should check that the date is set to GMT or use x-amz-date headers.
Another approach is to use the AWS Command Line Interface and so use
$ aws s3 cp
or$ aws s3 sync