I'm using IntelliJ/Cursive to write Clojure. I found out that the only way to erase parenthesis is to totally erase the content inside them, and only then, the parenthesis can be deleted. For example, let's say that I have the following code:
and I want to delete only the opening parenthesis. Once I hit backspace on the opening parenthesis, the IDE ignores this act. Only when I erase the word "list", the parenthesis can be deleted.
Does anyone have any idea how to solve this?
Recently was moved to Edit > Structural Editing > Toggle Structural Editing Style
From the docs:
There is another way to remove parenthesis, using the structural editing command "Splice Sexp". You can also use slurping and barfing to manipulate the parenthesis to the order that you want.
You can delete the parenthesis while remaining in structural editing mode by selecting/highlighting it first with your cursor or shift+arrow. You'll then need to manually remove the corresponding close parenthesis too.