I'm writing a Flutter app for Android and iOS which will change its style/theme based on iOS' Dark Mode status.
Is there currently anything like a MediaQuery.isDarkModeEnabled in Flutter?
There is a GitHub issue open here but the Flutter team must be overwhelmed in issues so I can't see this being implemented too soon.
I can use 'traitCollection.userInterfaceStyle' from iOS-specific code channels, but adding platform-specific code for Flutter/Dart apps is not something I'm experienced in. Currently working on this solution!
For example, someone could have a CupertinoPicker
with adaptive colors:
backgroundColor: isDarkModeEnabled ? Colors.black : Colors.white,
children: items.map((thisItem) => Text(thisItem.name)).toList(),
itemExtent: 32,
onSelectedItemChanged: (newItem) {
setState(() => this.item = items[newItem]);
Here's how you can set different colors for light and dark mode, the app will automatically switch if the phone is set to dark mode or light mode.
You can also get the platform brightness (Brightness.light / Brightness.dark) using
but you will have to use the
mixin and override the method belowsee https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/WidgetsBindingObserver-class.html on how to use the mixin.
Yes it is possible. Look here https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/33873#issuecomment-536309491 and here is the answer.
Actually doesnt posbile with the master channel, look https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/39685