I'm trying to write a gulp task allowing me to use modules in JS (CommonJS is fine), using browserify + 6to5. I also want source mapping to work.
So: 1. I write modules using ES6 syntax. 2. 6to5 transpiles these modules into CommonJS (or other) syntax. 3. Browserify bundles the modules. 4. Source maps refers back to the original ES6 files.
How to write such a task?
Edit: Here's what I have so far:
gulp task
gulp.task('browserify', function() {
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');
var browserify = require('browserify');
var to5ify = require('6to5ify');
debug: true
.require('./app/webroot/js/modules/main.js', {
entry: true
.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err.message);
function foo() {
console.log('Hello World');
let x = 10;
console.log('x is', x);
export {
import {
from './A';
function bar() {
export {
import {
from './B';
The code seems to be working, but it's not minified and the source map is inline (which is not really working for production).
I didn't understand why we had to use certain things in order to get this to work so I'm adding my own answer here. For those looking for a solution with
, I added one below. I also thought it'd be good to talk about what each line does.For those that want to use ES6 in their Gulpfile, you can look here but Gulp supports it if you rename your file to
as of Gulp 3.9One big thing to note is you need to use
with Browserify in order to convert the output into something Gulp can understand. From there a lot of gulp plugins require vinyl buffers which is why we buffer the source stream.For those not familiar with sourcemaps, they are essentially a way for you to map your minifed bundled file to the main source file. Chrome and Firefox support it so when you debug you can look at your ES6 code and where it failed.
Other useful readings:
Gulp browserify the gulp-y way
Use this as your start point: