I have a data frame with multiple columns. Now, I want to get rid of the row.names column (column 1), and thus I try to select all the other columns.
newdata <- olddata[,2:10]
is there a default symbol for the last column so I don't have to count all the columns? I tried
newdata <- olddata[,2:]
but it didn't work.
To build on Freeman's answer, Tidyverse allows dots as replacement for the piped data object, which can be useful to simplify code with repetitive references to the object.
newdata <- olddata %>% select( 2:ncol(.) )
newdata <- olddata %>% .[,2:ncol(.)]
I think it's better to focus on wanting to get rid of one column of data and not wanting to select every other column. You can do this as @Arun suggested:
You can get the last column with