I have installed HazelCast 2.5. I want to persist my records into disk. I learned that MapStore does this job. However i'm not sure how to implement MapStore.
Code I've written so far:
public class MyMaps implements MapStore<String,String> {
public static Map<Integer, String> mapCustomers = Hazelcast.getMap("customers");
public static void main(String[] args) {
mapCustomers.put(1, "Ram");
mapCustomers.put(2, "David");
mapCustomers.put(3, "Arun");
How do i put all these entries into disk.
Is it necessary to have a back-end like MySQL or PostgreSQL to use this class?
I believe the following function can be used:
public void delete(String arg0);
public void deleteAll(String arg0);
public void store(String arg0);
public void storeAll(String arg0);
I need a sample snippet of how to implement MapStore.
Please provide me with sample code.
Hazelcast has two types of distributed objects in terms of their partitioning strategies:
Data structures where each partition stores a part of the instance, namely partitioned data structures.
Data structures where a single partition stores the whole instance, namely non-partitioned data structures.
Partitioned Hazelcast data structures persistence data to local file system is not supported,need a centralized system that is accessible from all hazelcast members,like mysql or mongodb.
You can get code from hazelcast-code-samples.
Yes, you can use MapStore and MapLoader to persist file to local storage. Read official documentation here.