'Pretty print' windows %PATH% variable - h

2019-01-01 10:49发布

I want to run a simple one-liner in the Windows CMD prompt to print my %PATH% variable, one entry per line.

I tried this: for /f "delims=;" %a in ("%path%") do echo %a but this only prints the first entry:

Z:\>for /f "delims=;" %a in ("%path%") do echo %a

Z:\>echo c:\python25\.

Also as you can see from the output above, this is also printing the echo %a command as well as the output. Is there any way to stop this?

If I try a similar command, I get all the entries, but still get the echo %a output spamming the results. I don't understand why the following prints all entries, but my attempt on %PATH% doesn't. I suspect I don't understand the /F switch.

Z:\>for %a in (1 2 3) do echo %a

Z:\>echo 1

Z:\>echo 2

Z:\>echo 3

2楼-- · 2019-01-01 11:06

Stephen Quan's answer is shorter and better, but here's a Python solution:

python -c "import os; print os.environ['PATH'].replace(';', '\n');"

Turning ; semicolons into \n newlines.

3楼-- · 2019-01-01 11:06

@ROMANIA_engineer proposed a PowerShell solution in a comment. Since the question asks for a command that works in the CMD shell, here is a way to use that elegant code from the OP's desired environment:

powershell -Command ($env:Path).split(';')

To make it still more readable, you can add sorting:

powershell -Command ($env:Path).split(';') | sort

Credit: https://stackoverflow.com/a/34920014/704808

4楼-- · 2019-01-01 11:07

This works in cmd window using Git Bash on Windows:

echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n}

You can also make a handy alias in your .bash_profile:

alias showpath='echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n}'

5楼-- · 2019-01-01 11:09

An update to Stephan Quan's very clever one-liner solution: The problem I encountered was that a trailing semi-colon - (and maybe two successive semi-colons, i.e. empty path element) would cause the message "ECHO is on" to appear. I solved this by inserting a period immediately after the second ECHO statement (which is the syntax to suppress ECHO is on/off messages). However, it will result in an extra empty line:

6楼-- · 2019-01-01 11:11

A simple one liner to prettying printing the PATH environment variable:


If your PATH was equal to A;B;C the above string substitution will change this to ECHO.A & ECHO.B & ECHO.C and execute it all in one go. The full stop prevents the "ECHO is on" messages from appearing.

7楼-- · 2019-01-01 11:12

The simple way is to use

for %a in ("%path:;=";"%") do @echo %~a

This works for all without ; in the path and without " around a single element
Tested with path=C:\qt\4.6.3\bin;C:\Program Files;C:\documents & Settings

But a "always" solution is a bit complicated
EDIT: Now a working variant

@echo off
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set "var=foo & bar;baz<>gak;"semi;colons;^&embedded";foo again!;throw (in) some (parentheses);"unmatched ;-)";(too"

set "var=%var:"=""%"
set "var=%var:^=^^%"
set "var=%var:&=^&%"
set "var=%var:|=^|%"
set "var=%var:<=^<%"
set "var=%var:>=^>%"

set "var=%var:;=^;^;%"
rem ** This is the key line, the missing quote is intended
set var=%var:""="%
set "var=%var:"=""%"

set "var=%var:;;="";""%"
set "var=%var:^;^;=;%"
set "var=%var:""="%"
set "var=%var:"=""%"
set "var=%var:"";""=";"%"
set "var=%var:"""="%"

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%a in ("!var!") do (
    echo %%~a
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

What did I do there?
I tried to solve the main problem: that the semicolons inside of quotes should be ignored, and only the normal semicolons should be replaced with ";"

I used the batch interpreter itself to solve this for me.

  • First I have to make the string safe, escaping all special characters.
  • Then all ; are replaced with ^;^;
  • and then the trick begins with the line
    set var=%var:"=""%" (The missing quote is the key!).
    This expands in a way such that all escaped characters will lose their escape caret:
    var=foo & bar;;baz<>gak;;"semi^;^;colons^;^;^&embedded";;foo again!;;...
    But only outside of the quotes, so now there is a difference between semicolons outside of quotes ;; and inside ^;^;.
    Thats the key.
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