I'm getting an odd error when I try to run verify lifecycle of maven for my java spring project. Note that it compiles fine using mvn spring-boot:run
but when I run mvn clean verify
it blows up with:
$mvn clean verify -Dsurefire.skip=true -X
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.209 sec <<< FAILURE! - in com.fitforger.FitForgerBackendApplicationTests
initializationError(com.fitforger.FitForgerBackendApplicationTests) Time elapsed: 0.005 sec <<< ERROR!
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fitforger/model/GymRat
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.fitforger.model.GymRat
What can I provide to be relevant? See below for some initial context.
Project structure:
| +----java
| | +----com
| | +----fitforger
| | +----controller
| | | +----GymRatController.java
| | | +----WorkoutNodeController.java
| | +----dao
| | | +----GymRatDAO.java
| | +----exception
| | | +----GymRatCreationFailure.java
| | | +----GymRatExistsException.java
| | | +----GymRatNotFound.java
| | | +----GymRatUpdateFailure.java
| | +----FitForgerBackendApplication.java
| | +----model
| | | +----FitForgerModel.java
| | | +----GymRat.java
| | | +----WorkoutAttribute.java
| | | +----WorkoutNode.java
| | | +----WorkoutNodeTypes.java
| | +----repository
| | +----CouchbaseRepository.java
| | +----FitForgerRepository.java
| +----resources
| +----application.properties
| +----com
| +----fitforger
| +----FitForgerBackendApplicationTests.java
| +----GymRatSteps.java
| +----repository
| +----CouchbaseRepositoryTest.java
Relevant bits of my pom.xml:
For me adding
did the trick (source):OP problem solved by doing below,
This looks to be similar to what you are facing. Could you try with