I'm writing directive tests for AngularJS with Jasmine, and using templateUrl with them: https://gist.github.com/tanepiper/62bd10125e8408def5cc
However, when I run the test I get the error included in the gist:
Error: Unexpected request: GET views/currency-select.html
From what I've read in the docs I thought I was doing this correctly, but it doesn't seem so - what am I missing here?
If you are using the jasmine-maven-plugin together with RequireJS you can use the text plugin to load the template content into a variable and then put it in the template cache.
the Karma way is to load the template html dynamically into $templateCache. you could just use html2js karma pre-processor, as explained here
this boils down to adding templates '.html' to your files in the conf.js file as well preprocessors = { '.html': 'html2js' };
and use
into your js testing file