Dear ipython notebook users,
I want to insert a link to a local file located in the notebook directory, and no, it is not an image (the only example I've found). I want to insert this link within a markdown cell.
When clicked on the link, the file is to be opened with a local application (in this case, a molecule viewer)
I've tried to come up with the correct syntax, but no luck. Please, any help is greatly appreciated.
completenting the answer of Matt, it will work only in you import FileLink
Then in a markdown cell insert your links waterBox30.pdb
The path need to be relative to where the server has been started, and prefixed with
. e.g:[my molecule](files/molecules/ethanol.mol)
Not possible unless your application support custom links protocol like the
one. the best that can append is that on link click you will be prompted to download the file. (keep in mind that the server can be on a different machine thant your browser)