I'm creating a Jenkins pipeline job and I need to run a job on all nodes labelled with a certain label.
Therefore I'm trying to get a list of node names assigned with a certain label. (With a node I can get the labels with getAssignedLabels()
The nodes
-list in jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.nodes
seems not contain the master-node which I need to include in my search.
My current solution is to iterate over the jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.computers
and use the getNode()
-method to get the node. This works, but in the javadoc of Jenkins I'm reading the this list might not be up-to-date.
In the long-run I will add (dynamically) cloud-nodes and I'm afraid that I won't be able to use computers
What is the right get the list of all current nodes?
This is what I'm doing right now:
def nodeNames(label) {
def nodes = []
jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.computers.each { c ->
if (c.node.labelString.contains(label)) {
return nodes
Updated answer: in a pipeline use
to get all nodes assigned to a label.Update to @patrick-b answer : contains can be buggy if you have labels containing same string, I've added a split step do check every label separated with spaces.
Try using
for (aSlave in hudson.model.Hudson.instance.slaves) {}
to get all the labels for all of your nodes. You can construct a list of nodes per label this way.This is the way I'm doing right now. I haven't found something else:
contains the master-node and all the slaves.I think that you can do this with:
I don't know for sure whether this works with cloud nodes.