I have two views in a linear layout, I programmatically change their layout_weight property. Is there a way I could animate this change in weight so when the weight is changed views slides towards a new size?
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Another way is to use old
class, as described in https://stackoverflow.com/a/20334557/2914140. In this case you can simultaneously change weights of several Views.All of the answers above weren't working for me (they would simply "snap" and not animate), but after I added weight_sum="1" to the parent layout, it started working. Just in case someone else comes up with the same issue.
You can simply use ObjectAnimator.
The one problem is that View class has no setWeight() method (which is required by ObjectAnimator). To address this I wrote simple wrapper which helps archive view weight animation.
Use it in this way:
Note: I am not sure that this is the best way, but I tried it and it's working fine
Simply using
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I have been looking at this as well. Eventually I solved it by animating the weightsum property of the parent, which works very nice if you have two views in a LinearLayout.
see: Animating weightSum property using ObjectAnimator
In the example below, if you animate the weightSum from 1.0 to 2.0, Screen 2 will animate nicely into view.