I want to convert a string like this "29-Apr-2013-15:59:02"
into something more usable.
The dashes can be easily replaced with spaces or other characters. This format would be ideal: "YYYYMMDD HH:mm:ss (20130429 15:59:02)"
Sorry, I did not specifically see the answer in another post. But again, I'm ignorant so could have been looking at the solution and didn't know it. I've got this working, but I wouldn't consider it "pretty."
import sys, datetime, time
#inDate = sys.argv[1]
inDate = 29-Apr-2013-15:59:02
def getMonth(month):
monthDict = {'Jan':'01','Feb':'02','Mar':'03','Apr':'04','May':'05','Jun':'06','Jul':'07','Aug':'08','Sep':'09','Oct':'10','Nov':'11','Dec':'12'}
for k, v in monthDict.iteritems():
if month == k:
return v
day = inDate[:2]
#print day
month = inDate[3:6]
#print month
year = inDate[7:11]
#print year
time = inDate[-8:]
#print time
newDate = year+getMonth(month)+day
newDateTime = newDate+" "+time
print newDate
print newDateTime
Any thoughts on improving?
You want to look into
, in particularstrptime
.Use datetime.strptime() to parse the
string into a date object, use datetime.strftime() to output in whatever format you like:Have you investigated dateutil?
I found a similar question to yours: How do I translate a ISO 8601 datetime string into a Python datetime object?