I am using ReSTful webservice. I am uploading multiple photos with one function (PHP).
I have used $num_files = count($_FILES['myfile']['name'])
to count number of files that are to be uploaded but this always gives 1:
When I print $_FILES['myfile']['name']
or $_FILES
it returns last image.
Am I suppose to do any setting to send multiple files at a time?
$num_files = count($_FILES['myfile']['name']);
for( $i=0; $i < $num_files; $i++ )
$name = $_FILES["myfile"]["name"][$i];
$temp_path = $_FILES['myfile']['tmp_name'][$i];
$image_name = Helper_common::getUniqueNameForFile( $name );
echo $image_name;
// Set the upload folder path
$target_path = $originalDirecory."/";
// Set upload image path
$image_upload_path = $target_path.$image_name;
move_uploaded_file($temp_path, $image_upload_path);
//if(move_uploaded_file($temp_path, $image_upload_path))
// Set 800*800 popup thumbnail...
// Set popup directory...
// Set thumbnail name...
// Set width and height of the thumbnail...
$thumb1=Helper_common::generateThumbnail($image_upload_path, $thumb_name1, $thumb_width, $thumb_height);
// Set 435*333 thumbnail...
// Set thumbnail directory...
// Set thumbnail name...
// Set width and height of the thumbnail...
$thumb2=Helper_common::generateThumbnail($image_upload_path, $thumb_name2, $thumb_width, $thumb_height);
// Set 176*176 thumbnail...
// Set thumbnail directory...
// Set thumbnail name...
// Set width and height of the thumbnail...
$thumb_smart_resize_3 = Helper_ImageResizer::smart_resize_image($image_upload_path, NULL, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, false, $thumb_name3, false);
$thumb3=Helper_common::generateThumbnail($image_upload_path, $thumb_name3, $thumb_width, $thumb_height);
// Set 131*131 thumbnail...
// Set thumbnail directory....
$thumbnail_directory = $thumbnailsDirectory."/";
// Set thumbnail name....
$thumb_name4 = $thumbnail_directory.'thumbnail_'.$image_name;
$thumb_smart_resize_4=Helper_ImageResizer::smart_resize_image($image_upload_path, NULL, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, false, $thumb_name4, false);
$thumb4=Helper_common::generateThumbnail($image_upload_path, $thumb_name4, $thumb_width, $thumb_height);
Update 2020 Postman
You don't need to add
[ ]
just put the param name and select files.You can simple add multiple lines with same key and postman converts them to array. No need to add [] as suffix to key.
If you have an array objects that need to passed then follow below pattern
You need to add a square bracket [] sign to the parameter. Look at the following image. I add file[] to upload multiple images from the postman.
I got a solution. I need to make myfile an array like this: myfile[] :)
Yeah,last version of postman made a bad update.
But, you can download the chrome extensions of postman and send multiple files with it, it still works there.
Edit: I just checked now, they brought it back, but you have to reenter the key value for files if you made them with the chromium version.
But now it works fine.