I have 2 sets of data in two cells (A1 and B1) without any special character (.,/;:'"-@#$%^&*(){}[]) and also no space between words,
The problem is I need to compare both the cells and identify and highlight the difference.
For example :
(A1): howtobuilfmacroincludingthesecrria
(B1): howbuilfmacroincludingthesecriteria
- in A1
is missing - and B1
is missing
The macro should highlight ite
in B1 and to
in A1
Make sure the text strings are in cells A1 and B1.
Place these routines in a standard code module (Alt-F11).
Run the FindDistinctSubstrings routine (Alt-F8 from the worksheet).
it's very difficult to perform mutual checks because excel doesn't know the words. What does it words represent? You can do check on one column like this: