I have made a webpage and this is the code to the main div.
#Div {
margin-left: 0px;
margin-top: -1px;
display: inline;
float: left;
margin-bottom: 0;
background-color: #030;
width: 660px;
padding-top: 0px;
height: 440px;
Is there a css technique i can use to make sure the page occupies the whole page no matter the size of the computer screen the browser is on.
Why are you setting
twice? Why are you floating (and displaying inline) a div that you want to take up the whole screen? Setting a negative left margin will move your whole div to the left, and therefore cause it to not reach all the way to the right even when thewidth: 100%
.Take away all margins. Do
. changedisplay:inline
. Take away the float. If you have to set this toposition:absolute
, then be sure to specify: top: 0px; left: 0pxPerhaps you can take some inspiration from a CSS framework and strip out the bits that you need? http://cssgrid.net/
min-height: 100%; min-width: 100%;
and use a CSS Reset - http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/
You want to center your webpage, without beeing cut at the left on small screens?
Use following: