I am trying to compile the SoundTouch lib with Android NDK. I got some instruction from Here to compile this lib in android.
But when I try to compile it with ndk-build
command it show errors in various source files of SoundTouch lib something like this:
I tried to Switch off exception handling as mentioned in the instructions but it doesn't seems to work.
I copied all the files from SoundTouch source to JNI folder of my project. Here is my android.mk
file :
LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_CFLAGS :- -frtti -fexceptions
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := AAFilter.cpp BPMDetect.cpp cpu_detect_x86.cpp FIFOSampleBuffer.cpp FIRFilter.cpp main.cpp mmx_optimized.cpp PeakFinder.cpp RateTransposer.cpp RunParameters.cpp SoundTouch.cpp sse_optimized.cpp TDStretch.cpp WavFile.cpp
LOCAL_LDLIBS := -lpcap
LOCAL_MODULE := libSoundTouch
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := BPMDetect.h FIFOSampleBuffer.h FIFOSamplePipe.h SoundTouch.h STTypes.h
Can anyone please help me to compile and use SoundTouch lib on android?
I changed my android.mk
file as below
LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_CPP_FEATURES += -fno-exceptions
SoundTouch/AAFilter.cpp \
SoundTouch/BPMDetect.cpp \
SoundTouch/FIFOSampleBuffer.cpp \
SoundTouch/FIRFilter.cpp \
SoundTouch/mmx_optimized.cpp \
SoundTouch/PeakFinder.cpp \
SoundTouch/RateTransposer.cpp \
SoundTouch/SoundTouch.cpp \
SoundTouch/sse_optimized.cpp \
LOCAL_MODULE := libSoundTouch
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := include/BPMDetect.h include/FIFOSampleBuffer.h include/FIFOSamplePipe.h include/SoundTouch.h include/STTypes.h
And now its working all fine. Thank you
I have successfully compiled by changing my
file :here is my
fileCheck out THIS link this guy already compiled ready to use SoundTouch Android wrapper.
Example usage: