how do I enable and also select different subtitles that are embedded in a Vimeo video in HLS format using Exoplayer, ExoMedia or another player? In iOS this same video already presents the option of subtitles natively but in Android I cannot find means to implement it.
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My answer here will look a lot like this one, so you might want to check that one out first.
ExoPlayer is the library you'll want for Android. It's a non- trivial task to get the subtitles to show, but the demo app for that library has all the code you'll need to get them working on an HLS video. More specifically the
class. You can go to HLS -> "Apple 16x9 basic stream" in the demo app and that video has a ton of subtitles (aka "text tracks").Just to simplify their code so that it doesn't rely on the helper (and so you can see how it works just on closed captions) I've written/documented some of their code below.
Then if you post the following code into the end of their
method, you'll get an idea of how these pieces fit together.The code above is super sloppy, but it should hopefully at least get you started in the right direction. I wouldn't recommend using any piece of what's written - it should mostly be to get an idea of how the different pieces fit together. What they have in the demo app is a little better in that their code is very reusable for the different track selection types (since you can have video, audio, and text tracks).
This works well!
for Video,1
for Audio and2
for Subtitles/Text