I am trying to block a url page specific (http://www.testdomain.com/login) for all IP addresses EXCEPT for an internal admin IP address. I have no issue blocking the pattern login but I want to test locally to make sure that the internal admin IP is excluded from the blocking rule for /login url. See what I have so far...
<rule name="RequestBlockingRule1" enabled="true" patternSyntax="Wildcard" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="*login*" negate="false" />
<conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAny" trackAllCaptures="true">
<add input="{HTTP_X_Forwarded_For}" pattern="" />
<action type="None" />
<rule name="RequestBlockingRule2" patternSyntax="Wildcard" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="*" />
<add input="{URL}" pattern="*login*" />
<action type="CustomResponse" statusCode="404" statusReason="File or directory not found." statusDescription="The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable." />
What I also want is to duplicate same rule but for a query string of http://www.testdomain.com/home.aspx?ctl=login
<rule name="RequestBlockingRule3" enabled="true" patternSyntax="Wildcard" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="*ctl=login*" negate="false" />
<conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAny" trackAllCaptures="true">
<add input="{HTTP_X_Forwarded_For}" pattern="" />
<action type="None" />
<rule name="RequestBlockingRule4" patternSyntax="Wildcard" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="*" />
<add input="{QUERY_STRING}" pattern="*ctl=login*" />
<action type="CustomResponse" statusCode="404" statusReason="File or directory not found." statusDescription="The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable." />
What I've done is tried to exclude internal IP for specific pattern and then followed with the actual blocking rule. Does anyone know either a) a better alternative or b) see what I may or may not be doing wrong (ideally I'd like to test these rules out locally before I use them on actual server using real IP address). Thanks
I want to suggest to use a bit different way:
<action type="None" />
Config code is:
This rule is blocking all requests to this URLs for all users, which has non white-listed IPs
in query stringIn my config above, i am using
. But you might need to use{HTTP_X_Forwarded_For}
. It depends on you network infrastructure (if you have proxies or load balancers)You can test this rules locally by adding/removing your local IP form rewrite map