I want to run a piece of code at exact time intervals (of the order of 15 seconds) Initially I used time.sleep(), but then the problem is the code takes a second or so to run, so it will get out of sync.
I wrote this, which I feel is untidy because I don't like using while loops. Is there a better way?
import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
iterations = 100
tstep = dt.timedelta(seconds=5)
for i in np.arange(iterations):
startTime = dt.datetime.now()
while dt.datetime.now() < startTime + tstep:
Ideally one would use threading to accomplish this. You can do something like
then you can just call
in order to start the looping timer.
You can use a simple bash line:
Consider tracking the time it takes the code to run (a
function), then sleeping for15 - exec_time
seconds after completion.