In PHP, how can I replicate the expand/contract feature for Tinyurls as on
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The Solution here from @Pons solution, didn't work alone on my php7.3 server reslolving stackexchange URLs like
This solved it:
Another simple and easy way:
And here is how to contract an arbitrary URL using the TinyURL API. The general call pattern goes like this, it's a simple HTTP request with parameters:
This will return the corresponding TinyURL for In PHP, you can wrap this in an fsockopen() call or, for convenience, just use the file() function to retrieve it:
If you just want the location, then do a HEAD request instead of GET.
In PHP there is also a get_headers function that can be used to decode tiny urls.
If you want to find out where a tinyurl is going, use fsockopen to get a connection to on port 80, and send it an HTTP request like this
The response you get back will look like
example code...