In Microsoft oData v4 proxy client, there is an option to add auth token into each request. It can be achieved by following way:
var container = new Default.Container(new Uri(http://localhost:9000/));
//Registering the handle to the BuildingRequest event.
container.BuildingRequest += (sender, e) => OnBuildingRequest(sender, e, accessToken);
//Every time a OData request is build it adds an Authorization Header with the acesstoken
private static void OnBuildingRequest(object sender, BuildingRequestEventArgs e, TokenResponse token)
e.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.AccessToken);
How can I do the same using simple odata client?
Apparently I should provide an explanation of why this is the answer.
Explanation: this is how you add the token for Simple ODataClient.
Instead of using the delegate method to intercept and add the Authorization header on every Http call, a clearer/cleaner solution is to instantiate the ODataClient with an HttpClient instance.
This also allows you to control the HttpClient lifecycle externally.
The code below is an extract of a .Net core app using an Azure AD OAuth2 token to connect to a Dynamics 365 OData Web API.