I'm currently working on a simple navigation drawer + sliding tab.
However, I wanted these a material design on my own app.
Therefore, I have no choice except to get rid off ActionBarSherlock
. When in these attempt, I found that 2 types of imports which are as follows:
import com.actionbarsherlock.app.SherlockFragment;
import com.actionbarsherlock.app.SherlockFragmentActivity;
has to be removed too. However, more errors seem to appear after removing it.
So, is there any other type of imports that could replace these 2 above?
If you're going to use
, I am sure you havesupport-v4
in your dependencies as well.You can try replacing
There are some good advices on migrating from ABS to AppCompat.
What are the common issues when migrating from ActionBarSherlock to ActionBarCompat?
ActionBarCompat (Part 3): Migrating from ActionBarSherlock
Something to note with above examples is that
is now deprecated and replaced byAppCompatActivity