it's the first time i am using this environment.
The part of SQLAlchemy i am willing to use is just the one that allows me to query the database using Table objects with autoload = True. I am doing this as my tables already exist in the DB (mysql server) and were not created by defining flask models.
I have gone through all the documentation and i don't seem to find an answer. Here is some code:
app = Flask(__name__)
metadata = None
def connect_db():
engine = create_engine(app.config['DATABASE_URI'])
global metadata
metadata = MetaData(bind=engine)
return engine.connect()
def before_request():
g.db = connect_db()
def teardown_request(exception):
Now you could be wondering why i use that global var named metadata. Ok some more code:
def test(test_result_id):
testTable = Table('test_table', metadata , autoload=True)
As you can see i need that object to be global in order to access it from within a function.
Also I am declaring the same var testTable in each function that needs it. I have the feeling this is not the right approach. I coudn't find any best practice advice for a case like mine.
Thanks all!
Have you seen this snippet in the SQLAlchemy docs?
Maybe this would work:
That way your tables are reflected only once per process which is probably what you want. Note that your engine should be a global too, so you needn't create a new engine in @app.before_request - app creation is a more appropriate place.
If your case is very special you might need one engine per request, in which case you should consider the ThreadLocalMetaData class.